Vezi și alte Gradinite din Brasov
Gradinita GGIS

Gradinita GGIS

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Our Mission

We offer high-quality education in the English language to our students that equips them academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally by teaching and demonstrating through a Biblical worldview.

Our Vision

Equipping students with the necessary skills, knowledge and Christian values to become leaders who impact their community.


Since 2001, we have been in Brasov, Romania as the only international school in this city. During this time, we have worked with students and families that represent over 35 different countries and 8 different religions. We have continually strived to improve all aspects of the school experience. Our goal is to have students that not only learn information, but have opportunities for application in their daily lives. We want to create lifelong learners who are excited about education and the possibility of learning something new.

We believe that each part of the student is critical to the formation of the child as a whole. This is why we work to equip each student physically, spiritually and academically. By teaching and demonstrating our biblical beliefs and principles, we attempt to wholly educate and impart a wisdom to the students that extends beyond the classroom.

All of us here at GGIS, from the administration down to the teachers, have made it our top priority to, not only provide the best quality education, but a loving environment where each student can feel secure and significant.

Thank you for your visit to our site. If you would like to get in touch with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Recenzii / Păreri

Date Contact


  • Muzica
  • Educatie Fizica


Program Scurt
Program Lung


Predare in limba
  • Predare in limba Engleza
Tip Invatamant
  • Invatamant American
Obține indicații

Link-uri care te-ar putea interesa:

  • Gradinite Private Brasov
  • Gradinite de stat Brasov
  • Gradinite cu predare in limba Engleza Brasov
  • Gradinite cu predare in limba Germana Brasov
  • Gradinite Montessori Brasov
  • Gradinite Waldorf Brasov
  • Crese Private Brasov
  • Crese de stat Brasov
  • Crese Montessori Brasov
  • Crese cu predare in Engleza Brasov
  • Crese cu predare in Germana Brasov
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